Temps, rythme et mouvement - E-book PDF

Ouvrage collectif

196 pages , 21 x 29,7 cm

Collection Musique et Danse

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For several years, Sophie Rousseau has been teaching musical training related to movement and vocal gesture to various audiences. With Romain Panassié, they develop for more than ten years a pedagogy articulated around the dynamic relations between dance and music.

This teaching brings together musicians and dancers around a common vocabulary built from lived experiences. In collaboration with Martine Truong Tan Trung, together they question this practice based on rhythm, listening, and moving body.

How to become aware of one's posture, ie one's own organization around the gravitational axis? How to better perceive the weight, the transfer of weight in the movement? How to promote access to the qualities of fall, rebound, suspension, accent?

This book offers various tools and teaching aids for the transmission in dance and music, as well as theoretical contributions relating to the notions of time and rhythm. It follows a research at the crossroads of musical training, the Functional Analysis of the Body in Danced Movement (AFCMD), and the notation of movement (Benesh writing).



I Our teaching of music training

II Our reading AFCMD

III Workshop Reports

IV Discography with many references

V Reading grid of dynamic relationships between dance and music

VI The transcription of time in Benesh writing

VII The nervous system and the perception of time in connection with pedagogy

VIII Bibliography and annexes

Material : Book - E-book PDF
Language : French
Date of publication : 2018
Code EAN : 9782752141477
Co-authors : ROUSSEAU Sophie, PANASSIE Romain, TRUONG TAN TRUNG Martine
Output format : E-book PDF
File size : 18,6 Mo
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