Contemporary compositional techniques and Openmusic - E-book PDF

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The first part of this book contains an interview with Tirstan Murail and three essays on musical works of Claude Vivier (Lonely child, 1980), Gérard Grisey (Quatre chants pour franchir le seuil, 1997-98), and Tristan Murail (Le Lac, 2001) by Bob Gilmore, Jean-Luc Hervé, and Rozalie Hirs. The authors provide detailed analyses of these works, focusing on the frequency-based techniques and compositional processes employed by the composers. The second part of the book originated in 'OpenMusic and Contemporary Compositional Techniques', a series of lectures and workshops given by Rozalie Hirs and guest professors Tristan Murail, Mikhail Malt, Benjamin Thigpen, Marco Stroppa, and Niels Bogaards at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam during the 2005/06 academic year. The series was initiated by the Nieuw Ensemble and its artistic director, Joël Bons, as part of the annual Componistenpracticum, which pairs theory and practice in a way not found anywhere else in the world.

Material : Book - E-book PDF
Language : English
Date of publication : 2009
Code EAN : 9782752141521
Output format : E-book PDF
Category : Science of music
File size :

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